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Unattended intelligent weighing tower

    When the troops and horses are not moved, food and grass should come first.  The provision of materials for each project is a necessary condition to ensure the duration of the project.  In actual production practice, how to solve the problem of manpower and efficiency?  It is worth discussing.  We have conducted in-depth studies on how to manage materials, how to reduce labor costs and how to improve operational efficiency in animal husbandry.  From the enterprise's pain point, demand cut in, seeking to create greater value and economic benefits for the enterprise, specially developed unattended material tower weighing system.  

    Intelligent tower weighing system is composed of tower weighing instrument and control junction box.  The system can centrally monitor the real-time working status of the whole plant tower, and the page operation is simple.  Specific real-time display of all tower loading/unloading time, loading/unloading weight, a day of loading/unloading total weight, can also record the query of historical data, tower full or empty warehouse alarm.  


(一)Functions and characteristics of tower weighing instrument

      ◆  It is specially used for dynamic and static weighing of outdoor material tower.

      ◆  The unique algorithm can eliminate the interference of wind, rain, snow and human climbing. 

      ◆  Up to 8 channels of weighing sensor.

      ◆  Accuracy up to 0.5%. 

      ◆  Can communicate with intelligent Internet of things.

      ◆  Can display single feeding/discharging, daily feeding/discharging, cumulative feeding/discharging, historical feeding/discharging data.

      ◆  Also can zero, re-calibration, full or empty warehouse alarm.

      ◆  Compatible with control junction box.  

(二)Functions and features of control junction box:  

      ◆  Supporting tower weighing instrument use.

      ◆  Up to 8 channels of weighing sensor.  

      ◆  Digital transmission to weighing instrument, eliminate interference of weighing signal transmission process.

      ◆  With lightning protection module, lightning weather can be safe protection.