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FD-L1M medium range laser ranging sensor can be used for collision avoidance limit or alarm device.It is often used to detect the accurate position of the vehicle and the object in the motion of the production line.
Type of sample:FD-L1M10-PN2IM12.*

Small size red laser ranging

Easy to target with visible beam

Light on, dark on can be set

Operating voltage range from 18V to 30V

With switching output and analog output

Alarm distance range can be set

It can detect the accurate position of the vehicle and the object in the production line


FD-L1C25 laser ranging sensor is an optical distance sensor, which is suitable for distance measurement of fixed or moving objects.
Type of sample:FD-L1C25-T1AM12.*

Measuring range up to 25m

Use of red Class 1 laser beam is safe for human eyes

Supply voltage 18V 30V

Push-pull switch output and analog output can be configured

Various measurement modes can be set according to requirements

With transient protection, polarity reversal protection and output short circuit protection functions


FD-LL laser anti-collision sensor can be used for anti-collision limit or alarm device in driving.It is often used to detect the accurate position of the vehicle and the object in the motion of the production line.
Type of sample:FD-LL30-P1IM12.*

Detection distance up to 65m

Easy to target with visible beam

Light on, dark on can be set

Operating voltage range from 18V...30V

With switching output and analog output

Alarm distance range can be set

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