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FD30T.40 radar level meter is used for 3D level measurement of solid silos in cement, steel, electric power, coal,mining, building materials and other industries. It can detect the highest point, lowest point, average material height, volume and weight of silos in real time, and generate intuitive and easy to understand 3D images.

3D radar level scanner using FMCW 140GHz

Realize material multi-point scanning and 3D imaging

Measuring range 0...70m

It is mainly used to measure bulk, particles, dust and other silos

Display material level, volume and weight to form a three-dimensional image

Real-time inventory, at any time to grasp the inventory situation

Scanning Angle up to 90°, realize scanning without blind area coverage

Large diameter silo can be configured with multiple sets to achieve accurate measurement

The accuracy of single point material level can reach ±2mm, and the maximum volume accuracy is less than 2%

The measuring band is small, and it has better penetration to strong dust, water vapor and foam

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